Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ok, after two months of trying to get the membership portion of launched, I give up. Don't despair, I have a solution, but first an explanation:

If I do low quality videos they will be smaller files, which when viewed, are poor quality. They show as small movies on the screen. You won't be able to sit on the floor and learn from the video.

The hi def videos are large files that do not upload, unless I purchase a dedicated server just for the videos. These videos would be high resolution which would show well in an expanded version on a computer monitor. However, unless you have a fast connection, you may not be able to view them. This issue has to do with buffering rates. If someone lives in an area without blazing fast internet, they are out of luck.

The solution: Take all my howtostretch videos and make a DVD available for purchase. This way, they can play on a DVD player as well as a computer, so you can sit with friends in front of your TV and take class with me. I currently have the artwork being produced for the DVD, and I have roughly fifteen classes. I will do a few more, then burn a master copy. It will be sent to my DVD production company, and they take about a week to produce them.

You will be able to easily purchase these on

So, thanks again for your patience, this will be the best way to get information to you.

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